Sunny Leone and Rannvijay Singha's MTV aired love based television reality show MTV Splitsvilla 9 reached to the Thrilling point when Kavya Khurana crowned as new Queen of MTV Splitsvilla 9 after the Martina. on the other side it's Dumping Ground elimination time on 13th August 2016 Episode 12 where two strong connection gets broken.
Kavya Khurana and Rajnandini are the Queens of Villa. They have to select one-one boy for the Elimination.
Rajnandini - Kavya Khurana on Queen's Throne |
Yeah, You read that Right In MTV Splitsvilla 9 Episode 12 we are going to see the Dumping Ground Surprises when it's the news the Varun Sood evicted from the show but you might get the Twist if someone asks to Open the Book of Fortune.
Boys Performed the tasks onto the Street and it was an Entertainer task. On the Other side on Dumping Ground Sunny Leone disclosed two good connection going to break. Martina had tough time to use her power as she has to eliminate one. Who is Eliminated or Dumped from Splitsvilla 9 on 13th august 2016 will be revealed soon.
MTV Splitsvilla 9 Episode 13th August 2016 (Episode 12) Eliminations
- Boys have to Sell out the Broken things (Tough Job)
- Archie and Karan Khanna collected more Points and won Bech De Task
- Archie and Karan Khanna are Safe
- Varun Sood, Karan Chabra, Zain Abideen and Ayaan was Unsafe
- It was Dumping Ground, Martina requested Evil queen Raj to save Varun.
- Queen Kavya dumped Karan Chabdra
- Rajnandini dislikes as she dumped Karan and broke connection with Shreeradhe
- Evil Queen Raj takes revenge to Kavya and Dumped Varun Sood
- Shreeradhe was crying and don't want to stay in villa without Karan
- Two Brothes Zain Abideen and Ayaan are Safe
- Gurmeet was crying as he lost his Strong friend Varun Sood
- Book of Fortune Again Opened by Sunny Leone
- As per the Book both the Queen can Overrule their Decision or Leave the Throne to Save the one of the Eliminated
- Kavya Given up Throne for her Friend Martina Which touched Heart of Gurmeet (Kavya's Connection)
- Now Varun Sood is Back in Villa.
- Rajnandini also Decided to leave her throne to save Karan Chaabra (Shree's Connection)
- Both the Queens are Down to the Ground
- Later Book of Fortune Again Opened (As per the Early Rule)
- As per the Book Both the Queens Rajnandnini and Kavya Khurana got her Throne Back.
- Congratulations to Both Kavya and Raj for getting their Power Back.
- Today Splitsvilla 9 Contestant shown True Friendship Power
Keep Watching MTV Splitsvilla 9 on MTV India. Don't Miss to watch full Episode on Voot official site.
Also Watch - MTV Splitsvilla 9 Episode 11, 6th August 2016 Video Written Updates
More Searches: mtv splitsvilla 9 elimination, varun sood eliminated, splitsvilla 9 latest eviction on 13th august, splitsvilla 9 dumping ground video 13th august 2016 download
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